There's not enough time. I hate weather like this. That was so rude. Wa wa wa. I had a client last Tuesday tell me how much he was dreading the "bad" weather predicted for the weekend. Really? It's Spring in NW Indiana. What do you expect? We're not having tornadoes or tsunamis here, just a little cold rain. And afterwards you can practically see the tulips open, the buds pop out and the grass green up. I even don't mind that it's stayed a little cool lately because that makes the spring blooms last a little longer - and when you work outside in cool weather, you sweat less. There's usually quite a lot of hard outdoor garden labor needed in early spring. A good hot day feels fabulous when you're lounging, but it wilts daffodils and crocus and abuelas who have trouble lounging. Is it really that tough to see things this way?
People who insist on being crabby can be contangious. Not sure how it rubs off, but it can if it hits you at a moment when your defenses are down. I'm asked regularly how I do this line of work without wanting to off myself - or my clients. I guess people wonder that because we've all been hijacked by someone else's bad attitude. But the people who get the juice in life out of being nasty or victimized work at the bureau of motor vehicles. (Just in case you work at the BMV, that was a little joke). They're drawn to jobs that cause misery. "You don't have enough ID. Cruel smile.You get nothing for waiting half a day in that line. Go back home and try again later." I'm just saying - generally speaking, mean, pessimistic, self important, self indulgent people don't go to therapy. I guess those folks have it down pat- feeling special, being the exception to the rule, powerful, or the heroe or heroine of a sad, sad, story. I almost never see them in therapy because they have it figured out already and don't intend to confuse themselves with facts. So, though I hear tragic things daily, the people who go to a therapist just want to find a way to cope, not prove that their misery is epic, justified - whatever they need to make it permanent. I like being a healer and hanging out with folks who inspire me.
Because change is uncomfortable. And being happy isn't bestowed. It's earned and created. Sometimes you have to wrack your brain, if you're one of us mere mortals whose brain isn't serotonin soaked from birth, to tune into or remember what is good. And take steps to create more, or dwell on it or talk about it. I am junk yard dog determined to do it every day. You? XO
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