Friday, April 22, 2011


"Good morning, my sweet gu-rul.  How ya doin?  Goooood?"  Miss Fia's two year old morning greeting to her momma  says lots about her world, doesn't it?  Loving, safe, secure, friendly little place, our Fia's world.  Right now she has a cut on her knee that she calls her "chop".  She'll show you first thing.  She's pretty amazed by it.  She's so very lucky to have parents who create a world like that for her, allowing her room to grow into her feisty little self without fear, surrounded by love.  It's a lot easier to make that kind of world for your children when you grow up in it.  But it's never too late to start having a good childhood, to start feeling amazed by everything.

Really.  Think about it - waking up, a chop on your knee, a morning in spring, a smelly dog greeting, grass, stink bugs, shoes - everything is pretty amazing about being human.  Hard for me not to have some spiritual sense that there is a design to it all.  I wasn't going to talk about this part until we got done with mind/body discussions, but since it's a religious holiday, I decided to just philosophize about a couple of my biases. So far, what I've figured out is that being human is a short, wild, fabulous ride.  I genuinely believe we are before we were born and that we will be after. Also that while we're being human, random things happen all the time for no apparent reason.  But the marvelous thing is, we also do get to create in this phase of existence.  Our thoughts, our choices, our energy, our bodies - we create.  If you sow a patch of pumpkins, you'll get a few random weeds, but mostly, you'll get a crop of pumpkins.  Some people are actually surprised by that.  Makes me laugh.

So, I have observed that thinking and behaving and choosing "gooooood" is  likely to create good.  Other than that, it's a mystery and I am more than willing to let that be.  My bias is that one cannot come to a healthy spiritual self via fear or dogma, brow beating or meanness.  Mostly it comes from being still, using ritual like prayer or meditation and reverent, open, grateful observation.  That stuff gives me deep joy.  Right now.  Maybe it'll guide the next phase of existence when I'm done being human, if there is a next phase.  If not, I don't care over much. Makes me happy to be deluded in this manner, and as the Chef sings in The Little Mermaid, "Don't hurt cause you're dead..."  Hope you have a lovely holiday!  XOXOXO

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