Monday, April 11, 2011


Ollie likes to grab my hair when we look at stuff cheek to cheek.  It's one of my favorite baby magic moments. His momma says it's my fault that he pulls their hair.  I am having so much fun with this.

Saturday I talked about simple things you need to get it right with your mind.   1.  Notice and honor the narration always going on in the background, spoken in the language you lived.  It can be mean or scary or sad or glad.  You get to choose.  You're the one talking.  2.  Talk back if you don't like what's being said. Just because it's a true feeling doesn't mean it's the truth.  Tell yourself another part of the truth - with gratitude and a sweet focus on the present.  3.  Do it over and over and over.  Dwell on the good stuff until it becomes a habit.  This is pretty simple stuff that may take years to fully work at your will. 

Sometimes we get hung up on not so random thoughts that trigger mean, scary or dismal feelings.  If you can't shake them loose, here are some ideas:  Use visual or auditory cues to stop the thought.  Make up whatever works for you, but feel free to use any of the following... Imagine a cartoon version of yourself at your perfect weight, dressed exactly right with the perfect haircut.  Perfect you, vicious snarl on your face, using a death ray gun.  Laugh at yourself.  Or yell the word STOP (only in your head, silly) with an exact visual of a STOP sign.  Sing yourself an annoying song.  Tell yourself a one liner joke.  In some manner that works for you, interrupt the thought. Do several things in a row, whatever it takes.  Then take 3 slow belly breaths and tell yourself a kinder part of the truth that makes you grateful.  Tell someone else that thing that makes you grateful.  Do it over and over and over until it sticks.  Tomorrow we'll talk about how to breathe.  You only think you know, smarty pants. XOXOXO

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