Saturday, April 23, 2011


Once a week Alder and Fia sleep over at Abuela and Grandpa's house.   The two babies and I sleep in one big bed and grandpa has to sleep alone.  When they wake up, newly 2 year old Fia starts talking - something about me being her sweetie this morning and Alder carrying her up to the ceiling, where she flew around like a fairie.  The stories are all connected by "and then", so they never really end.  Alder joins in a bit more slowly, but once he's fully awake, he starts talking too, like I can understand them both at once.  This morning he said something about a dream with fairies in it, too. The fairies wanted to live in his hair but he was too tall and they couldn't get up there because they didn't have wings and couldn't jump high enough.  So he had to lift them up very carefully.

My favorite part of Saturdays is whatever it is they say when we first wake up.  Last week, Fia told me she had a nice "kaprise" for me.  Alder told me that morning fairies are what make red tulips.  Night fairies make daffodils. He's such a little poet.  He said "These words stay in my hands and the words are in my whole body". Last weekend we decided we shall all be superheroes someday.  Alder will be a red flying chipmunk.  Fia will be a purple butterfly named super Fia.  Grandpa will be a blue jay with a wonderful crest on his head as part of the costume.  I will be an orange squirrel.  Of course. We make quite a weekend team since they moved here from Olympia last December with their parents, whom we also love but don't have as many interesting words.  It's only been a few months but it feels so normal and correct.  Seeing them at least once a week instead of every few months.... What can I say?  I'm grateful.  I notice.  Hope you have a lovely holiday full of gratitude and noticing.  XOXO

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